Sample Backgrounds
by Dunkel Designs/Jill Dunkel

These are just some of the backgrounds I have on file.
If you don't see something you like here, please give me a
call and I can tell you other places to look.

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001zebra-stripes-bo#1C66309 002snow 003red 004greenery-wreath
005green-fabric 006green-bkgd 007gold background 009grass
01-greenMC 010dreamstime_11491920 011baseball 013bluewall
015softball 016antique 017candels 018barnwood
019dreamstime_365889 02-peppermint 020whitepoinsettia 021christmas berries
023background_brick_wall 03-red-white 04-red-with-snow 05-redMC
06-flowers1 07-flowers2 08-flowers3 09-flowers4